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Recommended Reading

1001 Great Ideas for Teaching and Raising Children with Autism Spectrum Disorders, by Veronica Zysk and Ellen Notbohm


Winner of a Silver medal in the Independent Publishers Book Awards and Learning Magazine's Teachers Choice Award, 1001 Great Ideas has been a treasured resource in the autism community since 2004. In this expanded second edition, Ellen Notbohm (best-selling author of the revolutionary book Ten Things Every Child with Autism Wishes You Knew) and Veronica Zysk (award-winning author and former editor of Autism Asperger's Digest magazine) present parents and educators with over 1800 ideas try-it-now tips, eye-opening advice, and grassroots strategies. More than 600 fresh ideas join tried and true tactics from the original edition, offering modifications for older kids, honing in on Asperger's challenges, and enhancing already-effective ways to help your child or student achieve success at home, in school, and in the community. This one-stop-shop of solutions, explanations, and strategies guides the reader to quickly find ideas that speak to the variety of developmental levels, learning styles, and abilities inherent in children with autism and Asperger's.


The Autism Sourcebook: Everything You Need to Know About Diagnosis, Treatment, Coping and Healing, by Karen Siff Exkorn


Practical advice and information from the world's foremost experts on autism -- and a mother's own hard-won lessons from helping her son recover from the disorder. When Karen Siff Exkorn's son, Jake, was diagnosed with autism, she struggled to pull together comprehensive information about the disorder. Fortunately, she was able to educate herself quickly, and her extensive at-home treatment of her son led to his amazing full recovery. But the journey wasn't easy, and now, in The Autism Sourcebook, Siff Exkorn offers parents the wisdom she wishes she'd had at the beginning.


The Official Autism 101 Manual, by Karen L. Simmons


When you need answers to your questions about anything related to autism, including early diagnosis, therapies, the buzz about vaccinations, social skills, self-esteem, planning for the future, coping skills, music therapy or solving reading problems, this master collection gives you practical and proven answers.


Ten Things Your Student with Autism Wishes You Knew, by Ellen Notbohm

Winner of an iParenting Media Award and Finalist in the 2006 ForeWord Book of the Year Awards! Ellen Notbohm’s first book, Ten Things Every Child with Autism Wishes You Knew, was a shot heard throughout the worldwide autism community. Now, for the teacher in all of us comes Ten Things Your Student with Autism Wishes You Knew. The unique perspective of a child’s voice is back to help us understand the thinking patterns that guide their actions, shape an environment conducive to their learning style, and communicate with them in meaningful ways. This book affirms that autism imposes no inherent upper limits on achievement, that both teacher and child “can do it.” It’s the game plan every educator, parent, or family member needs to make the most of every “teaching moment” in the life of these children we love.  


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